Scientific Writing & Publishing
Scientific writing and publishing is part of the regular scientific work. It is the goal and task of learning at universities, since scientific debates are predominantly conducted in written form. Academic degrees require the completion of a final thesis in text form. Later in one's career, published articles significantly influence career opportunities and continue to help attract research funding. Well-structured and well-written texts positively influence the acceptance rate of manuscripts and thus contribute to career development.

Photo: Andrew Neel | Unsplash
Therefore, in this workshop, you will learn:
the planning stage: structure and focus
preparing the sections of a manuscript
tips for professional and structured writing
title and abstract
structuring paragraphs
designing a great graphical abstract
optional for publishing focus:
publication strategy
increasing the impact of your manuscript
communicating with the editor of a scientific journal
working with and responding to reviewer’s comments

Photo: Janko Ferlič | Unsplash
theoretical input
individual exercises
exercises in small grous
peer-to-peer feedback
discussion in plenum
PhD candidates, postdocs
This workshop can be adapted in depth, depending on the prior knowledge and experience of the participants.
Target Group
In principle, all my workshop formats use interactive, experience-based learning. I employ
the following methods: