Dr. Juliane Handschuh
Begleitung. Wissen. Entwicklung.
Foto: Eric Kazak
Ein paar Sätze zu meiner Person
Ich bin promovierte Neurobiologin mit über 10 Jahren Forschungserfahrung in den Bereichen molekulare Neurowissenschaften und Immunologie.
Diese langjährige Erfahrung nutze ich, um als freischaffende Trainerin für Soft Skills Wissenschaftler*innen im Kontext Personalentwicklung zu unterstützen. Der Fokus meines Angebots liegt auf der Stärkung von Schlüsselkompetenzen wie (wissenschaftliche) Kommunikation, Führung, Karriereentwicklung sowie Zeit- und Selbstmanagement.
Mein persönliches Herzensanliegen ist das Thema Diversität in der Wissenschaft. Hier engagiere ich mich für die Sensibilisierung für das Thema sowie das Empowerment diverser Gruppen innerhalb der Wissenschaftslandschaft mit einem Fokus auf Gender und soziale Herkunft.
Mein Angebot
Schöpfen Sie Ihr ganzes Potenzial aus
Stimmen von Teilnehmenden
Foto: Wix
This workshop was wonderful. It was a safe space to openly discuss issues at work, and get feedback and advice from colleagues in the same situation. The content was interesting. Additionally, the online tools used by the trainer made the course interactive.
Juliane gave us a great space to talk with confidence and to feel that we are heard.
Gender Equality in Science -
participant (2021)
I really enjoyed the course, the practical and theoretical elements were excellent, and Dr. Juliane Handschuh was an excellent teacher and guide, thank you very much! The course offered an excellent mixed model of learning with theory, exercises, individual and group work in an extremely positive environment, providing excellent tools that will be directly useful in writing grants now and in the future.
Grant Writing
participant (2021)
Juliane taught us a lot and her joy about the topics transferred to us. It was a very nice and beneficial learning atmosphere.
Managing your PhD
Time and Selfmanagement -
participant (2021)
Juliane was my mentor for over 1.5 years. Her empathetic character created a constructive atmosphere and a safe space for conversation.
I benefited a lot from her good ideas, helpful comments and the self-reflection associated with them.
I gained more self-confidence and grew professionally as well as personally.
I am very grateful to Juliane for the great mentoring and can only recommend her. If you are looking for a diversity-conscious and emphatic trainer, Juliane is the right person for you.